Friendships: we women ache for them, we need them, we love them, we hate them. Find out why during this 31-day journey. 

Friends, I did a crazy thing.

What? you ask.

I linked up to “31 Days of ____________” at, a high-energy mommy blog. The Nester (aka: I have no idea. She says her name is hard to pronounce so she goes the pretend name Nester. . .sneaky) lets me and you and you and you select our own personal “31 Day of ______”

Friendship is my numero uno choice. So friendship it is.

Why Friendships?

Why not? We women ache for them,

we need them,

we love them,

we hate them.

Friendships meet are inborn need (thank you, Jesus) for relationship. And. . .yet. . .sometimes. . .friendships feel like nails on a chalkboard. (If you don’t remember chalkboard, no worries. Think: screeching baby and you are getting close.)

Posse of 6

Each day let’s look at an aspect of friendship. Joining us on our 31-day journey is author Dee Brestin’s classic The Friendship of Women and the posse of six (Vivian, Traci, Eileen, Sharon, Leslie and me). My coffee-and-tea-addicted women’s Friday afternoon Bible study group pulls up striped chairs at our local Barnes & Noble bookstore, sips our beverages of choice, and chats on friendships — the good, the bad, and the mean. It’s a blast.

Tomorrow’s topic: The difference between boys’ and girls’ friendships.

Did you know most boys/men use half a brain? It’s true. See ya tomorrow.

You Are Blessed,

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